Friday, June 3, 2011
Is changing the thermostat on honda civic a pain or pretty easy?
My heater is crapping out on me and its winter and snowing, kind of need my windows defrosted before i drive to work in the morning, someone suggested might be the thermostat, I know what it is but havent changed it on this kind of car before, wondering if anyone thats doen it could tell me if its pretty quick and simple or does it take a little bit of time? thanks|||it is only a pain if you dont have an extension about one foot long, the bottom bolt is nested down between the head and the top of the tranny. just remove the air cleaner and air pipe then go to town on it should be two 12 or 13mm bolts make sure to get the rubber thermostat housing seal also %26quot;most rip when removing%26quot; and your good to go!!|||It could be a number of other problems, possibly the heater core, blower motor, or an electrical problem. What exactly is the problem? The thermostat controls the circulation of coolant through the radiator and engine. Have you noticed any fluctuations in engine temperature? If your car is running normally and your heater isn%26#039;t working, I would check the heater-related components first. Signs of a bad heater core include condensation on windows/windshield, %26quot;sweet%26quot; smell when the heater is turned on, wet spots on the floor, and coolant loss.|||Its 2 bolts and 5 minute%26#039;s of work and topping off the antifreeze once done oh yea and its a 10mm bolt and honda does not use a 13mm bolt underneath the hood
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